Imagine this scenario: within 20 seconds of first meeting someone, you are able to anticipate how they think, how to reach them and how best to manage them. Sandy Cotter has developed the Centaur model of leadership which teaches you how to recognise, influence and inspire personalities, gaining her clients a ‘totally ethical unfair advantage’ in their workplace. Northbank developed a simple and effective identity for Sandy, based around a Centaur symbol (half-human, half-horse) with a confident, dynamic and purposely female form. In the late 20th century, psychologist Alexander Lowen identified five body-mind personality types. These inform the most practical aspect of the Centaur approach and are represented by the five-pointed star at the heart of the Centaur’s shield. Centaur’s model blends science with art and this is implied in the use of two colours – a dark grey and vivid green. So far the identity has been rolled out on stationery and website.